Reimagine Insurance

Reinvent the Game with INSURAI

What INSURAI does?

  • Intelligent Intake of Insurance Documents
  • Intelligent Broker Prioritization
  • Intelligent Policy Management
  • Cognitive Claims Management
  • Intelligent Business Decisions
  • Cognitive Customer Sentiment
  • Intelligent Damage Assessment

Step into the bold new future of insurance

The insurance landscape is shifting rapidly, and insurance leaders face a new business reality. In an experience-driven, data-fueled world, insurers must reimagine how they do business. Today insurance leaders are grappling with some key questions that are critical to the long-term success of their business:

  • How do we own the customer?
  • How do we stay competitive in a fast-paced digital era?
  • How do we help our people do their jobs better?
  • What can we do to cut costs and minimize risks?
  • How do we become resilient and sustainable as a business?

Technology is central to finding answers to these questions. At SLK, we’ve been helping our clients reimagine their business with strategic adoption of technologies like AI/ML, Automation, Cloud, and Data Analytics. Join us at Insuretech Connect 2022 to experience some of our unique insurance solutions.

AI Powered Insurance Value-Chain Solutions

Underwriting Transformation​

New Business Request Intake

AI/ML and automation eliminate manual document processing for new insurance requests, leading to a 10x improvement in turn around time.

Endorsement Processing

Automate indexing, classification, and processing of endorsement requests to improve underwriting efficiency.

Underwriting Automation

AI/ML and automation remove the burden of administrative tasks and manual analysis, freeing underwriter bandwidth and providing insights for critical decision making.

Claims Transformation

Roof Top Damage Detection

Automate claim adjusting for rooftop and other complex damages with computer vision and deep learning based solution. Reduce costs and improve customer experience with quick settlements.

Fraud Detection

Embed fraud detection into claims and policy management processes to stay compliant and prevent losses.

Claim Reserve Analysis

Predict the ultimate total incurred of each claim. This prediction is automatically updated every time new data is added to the claim file. The most common use of this solution is in connection with reserve audits

Agile Insurance Core

Data Hub

Integrate data across the enterprise, overcoming legacy challenges to create a 720° view of customers and deliver personalized products and services.

Peak Perform + Intelligent Infra

Predict outages ahead of time and eliminate false alarms to run your IT backbone glitch-free with our AI Ops platform.

Legacy Modernization

Embrace digital technologies and unlock new business outcomes by moving to the cloud.

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Featured Insights

Case Study
Insurance Mainframe Core Modernization to Open Stack System on Cloud
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Case Study
Automation led Quality Engineering in Insurance
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Case Study
Unlock Unprecedented Policy Delivery Speeds
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Solution Flyer
New Business Request Intake
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Solution Flyer
Endorsement Processing
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Solution Flyer
Roof Top Damage Detection
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Solution Flyer
Peak Perform + Intelligent Infra
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Solution Flyer
Data Hub
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Cognitive Underwriting: Reimagining insurance processes with AI/ML
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Impact of AI on claims management
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Reshaping Insurance: How Insurtech Is Driving New Industry Efficiencies
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Reimagining the customer experience in insurance
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Technologies Shaping the Insurance Industry in 2023
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Future of Insurance: Five priority areas for the strategic insurer
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White Paper
Legacy Apps and Data Migration
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