Want to create greater agility across enterprise applications?
Modernize your application infrastructure with APIs and Microservices

Accelerate innovation with next generation APIs and Microservices

Fuel digital innovation with apps that are scalable, manageable, and interactive

Monolithic app structures lag behind continuous change. A diverse app landscape requires a robust and flexible API and microservices ecosystem. We apply a microservices architecture and API-led connectivity to help apps work efficiently while bridging the gap between new apps and legacy IT stacks.


Go From Ideas to Results with Our Offerings

At SLK, we ensure that microservices work in sync and APIs coexist to promote connectivity and enhance developer productivity. We help you modernize the way you do business through scalable and connected apps created using high-performance tools. With our pluggable APIs & Microservices, developers find it easier to plug/unplug as required, enabling effective CI/CD in virtual environments.


Improve connectivity and collaboration with our strategy for open banking APIs or full lifecycle API management. We ensure complete integration – open or channel specific – with BIAN, IFX, FDX, LIMRAA standards implementation.

Other Services

Enable continuous improvement and faster app updates with microservices-based processes that employ user personas, orchestration, and pass-through service mesh implementation.

Frameworks and Tools

Deploy and troubleshoot your apps faster with our frameworks and tools such as the Microservices Adoption Cookbook BIAN, IFX, FDX, LIMRAA- based Banking Services Pack, Persona Orchestration, Pass-through-based Microservices Framework, Fast API for development with a cloud-first approach, Apigee, MuleSoft-based pluggable API framework, and cloud-based API frameworks like AWS, Azure, and others.

The SLK advantage

Legacy Core Modernization

We partner with organizations to help them stay ahead of the competition by enabling their new digital core fast and thereby revitalizing their organizational DNA.

API Strategy & Roadmap

Build a robust API strategy and roadmap to streamline processes and move away from legacy structures.

Microservices Strategy

Easily transition away from monolithic architectures to optimize resources, enhance collaboration, and streamline business processes.

Amplify Customer Experience

Create extreme personalization and boost customer experience with preventive interventions and self-service capabilities.

Create Efficiencies

Take intelligent actions to create service, operational, supply chain, and enterprise efficiencies. Improve productivity and gain a competitive edge.

Simplify App Management

Our microservices simplify app management, making it easier for you to build, deploy, update, test, and scale each service independently.


“The right APIs at the right place and time with optimized teams and smaller code base can improve productivity, maintainability, and scalability by more than 3x.”

- Nagesh K P

Head – Data & Digital

Featured Insights

How APIs are fast-tracking growth for Fintech
APIs are the new black for Fintech companies and there’s no better way to grow than by embracing them.
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Case Study
Modern Data Hub & API Built on Cloud for a US Based Customer
Find out how our Data Hub & API built on cloud enabled business transformation through enhanced customer experience & reduced TCO.
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How to transition from Monolithic to Microservices?
Understand the underlying idea of the transition and key tenets involved.
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Modernize your business core with future-proof apps