
Maintain Consistency with Your Peak Performance with Intelligent IT Infrastructure

Maintain Consistency with Your Peak Performance with Intelligent IT Infrastructure

Digital businesses are highly reliant on the performance of their IT infrastructure, but being prepared for contingencies can be a different challenge. IT infrastructure performance is directly correlated to business performance in most cases, and IT systems require a whole set of practices to ensure peak performance. These practices generally relate to monitoring, analyzing, and identifying issues and resolutions.

Enterprises using a combination of hybrid and multi-cloud approaches can find these challenges amplified. Due to the complexity of these systems, they are often neither easy nor cost-effective to monitor and analyze continuously. Intelligent IT infrastructure overcomes these problems using AI, machine learning capabilities, and other advanced systems. Implementing an intelligent system throughout the IT infra requires some criterion to be met, for instance:

  • Implementation of Master Data Management and/or DataHub platform to centralize and standardize data collection throughout the organization, IT systems, and business ecosystem.
  • Consolidated and integrated IT ecosystem throughout the organization and business(es) based on a ‘software-defined’ approach to networks and IT components.
  • Access to the right skills and expertise to implement AI/ML technologies.

Industries looking to expand their peak performance and power of intelligent IT infrastructure into other aspects of business might also need to work on specialized integrations like IoT in retail and manufacturing. Some of these developments and integrations can also be delivered after implementing smart IT solutions. However, access to skills and expertise is indispensable and can be tackled through in-house and outsourced resources.

With these in order, here is how you can maintain consistently improving peak performance with intelligent IT infrastructure.

Automate Infrastructure Management

Automation is a key component that drives peak performance by reducing the response time and dependency of the IT infra. Intelligent infrastructure solutions can monitor various applications and environments for needs, performance, and errors. However, the main advantage is presented by the system’s autonomy to cater to these by managing infrastructure resources, optimizing performance, and rectifying errors in real time. Predictive analytics also helps prepare the system for managing workloads and system resources.

Configuring the intelligent infrastructure’s machine learning to prioritize business critical and revenue-driving workloads can help you attain business goals. Similarly, the right set of priorities and activity mix can help your IT systems perform in accordance with organizational objectives. Managing the infrastructure resources in real-time also drives maximum cost-efficiency with cloud-related infrastructures.

Drive Business Critical Processes with AI

Automation with intelligent IT infrastructure is not limited to resource management and error correction. Workflow processes, DevOps delivery, security operations, test automation, and a host of business-critical processes can be automated with AI enablement. While traditional automation also allows most of these processes to be automated, AI’s broader reach and data allow for more optimal and targeted delivery.

In areas and operations where the autonomy of AI can’t be extended, AI analytics can still provide valuable insights and strategic inputs for driving peak performance. Predictive, preventive, and real-time analytics can help you operate efficiently without compromising business functions.

Reactive to Proactive Visibility

A key deterrent to IT infrastructure’s performance losses is the reactive approach to failures, errors, threats, and other performance-inhibiting factors. This is mainly due to the lack of visibility and real-time updates on these issues. Intelligent IT infrastructure helps transition into a proactive system where the smart IT systems continuously monitor and address many such issues. It also provides real-time alerts and updates on security and other important metrics with suggestions and, in some cases, ready-to-take actions.

The shift from a reactive to a proactive issue resolution approach helps reduce downtime, risks, failures, and related business impact. Integrated dashboards and analytics tools also provide actionable insights on improving operations, efficiency, and the overall business case.

PeakPerform is SLK’s AIOps platform that can integrate with your IT infrastructure and help you drive efficiency and performance. Our clients, including Fortune 500 companies, have benefited greatly from our products and solutions. We customize the solutions to each business case for optimal performance that supports our customers’ growth and future endeavors. Contact us to learn more about our intelligent IT infrastructure solutions for your organization.

Smart technologies have immense potential to deliver value if they are implemented right. Smart technologies also require smart architecture to back them and intelligently designed solutions to avoid any negative impact of the autonomous nature of the system. Autonomy and AI-driven analytics of intelligent infrastructure are the backbones of the IT system. However, the capabilities are limitless when driving peak performance, especially if the scope of analytics and automation can be extended to every possible aspect of the business and operations.


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