
How to scale RPA with Intelligent Process Automation

How to scale RPA with Intelligent Process Automation

Intelligent automation (IA) and robotic process automation (RPA) have established themselves as potent enablers of digital transformation. Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) is the combination of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as machine learning, natural language processing, and image recognition. It can be used to automate complex, high-volume, and rules-based business processes, while also being able to adapt to changing circumstances and exceptions.

Varied Aspects to Consider on the move from RPA to IPA

  • Identify the processes that are suitable for automation: Not all processes can be automated, so it’s important to carefully evaluate which ones are good candidates for RPA. High-volume, repetitive tasks that follow clear rules and have little variability are usually the best candidates.
  • Define the scope and goals of the automation project: Clearly define what you want to achieve with the automation, and set specific and measurable goals. This will help you to understand the potential benefits and costs of the project.
  • Build a team: Assemble a team of people with the right skills and experience to design, build, and maintain the automation solution. This might include business analysts, process experts, developers, and testers.
  • Choose the right tools: There are many RPA and IPA tools available, so it’s important to carefully evaluate which ones are the best fit for your needs. Consider factors such as the complexity of the processes to be automated, the integration requirements, and the level of support and training offered by the vendor.
  • Establish a robust governance model: Develop a governance model that clearly defines the roles, responsibilities, and processes for managing and maintaining the automation solution. This will help to ensure that the solution is aligned with business goals, is reliable and secure, and can be adapted as the business changes.
  • Plan for ongoing maintenance and support: Automation solutions need to be regularly maintained and updated to ensure they continue to deliver value. Plan for ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that the solution remains effective over time.

Why Journey to Scale Using IPA is Better

Organizations may improve business processes with Intelligent Automation technology, increasing speed and accuracy while automating predictions based on structured and unstructured inputs. Three main advantages are propelling the technology’s adoption. Organizations hope to increase efficiency, cut costs, boost accuracy, and enhance the customer experience.

A highly supportive IT department with the necessary infrastructure, technology, and cybersecurity in place of agile, interdisciplinary teams capable of deploying automation at pace are other characteristics that set apart firms scaling automation. A lot of attention is also placed on effective project management, governance, and technology.

In conclusion business process automation may now be expanded to almost any scenario by enhancing RPA with AI technology. Cognitive bots can reason and make judgements and can learn on the job to become key resources of your human-digital team.

The possibility to rethink how businesses run by seamlessly integrating technology, work processes, and people is where innovative potential of intelligent automation comes into picture and is better suited for the enterprises of the future.

SLK is a global technology services provider focused on bringing AI, intelligent automation, and analytics together to create leading-edge technology solutions for our customers through a culture of partnership, led by an evolutionary mindset.

For more information on the SLK’s IPA practice write to us at: [email protected]


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